A Preprint Experiment: Four Pillars and a Foundation for the Future of Scholarly Publishing

So, we got together, had two working group meetings to discuss the future of scholarly publishing in Ecology, Evolutionary Biology, and the Earth and Ocean Sciences. What were were thinking that entire time?

We’ve just submitted a piece that brings together our broad ideas (some of which have been seen before), but, simultaneous to publication, we’ve also decided to put up a preprint. Why? Simply put, immediate access is one of our four pillars of the future of scholarly publication. Once you feel something is ready for public consumption, put it out there! We’ve been delighted to watch the evolution of PeerJ Preprints, so we’ve placed our piece there.

Byrnes et al. (2013) The four pillars of scholarly publishing: The future and a foundation. PeerJ PrePrints 1:e11 http://dx.doi.org/10.7287/peerj.preprints.11

This immediate access to the piece goes hand in hand with another of our four pillars. Open Review. We want to know what you think. And now. We hope you give us feedback over at the preprint. Or, if you want to give us more detailed annotated comment, we’ve put it in a comment-open Google doc. Highlight something you disagree with. Argue with us. We welcome it! We’d ask that you put your name with the comment. We want a discussion, as discussion will improve this manuscript and help us shape our argument rather than just one-way commenting. This will also allow *you* to get full recognition for your comments, and we will include this in future acknowledgements.

So, enjoy the piece – our commentary is not a straight experiment-analysis-discussion piece, but rather part of a broader ecosystem of scholarly products that we feel are important to get out there. We look forward to hearing what you think of the piece!

IEE special issue on the future of publishing in EEB now online

The Ideas in Ecology and Evolution special issue examining the future of publishing is now online. Here is the link to a collection of the pdfs: http://futurecopublishing.wordpress.com or you can get them at the journal website.

It is our intention to keep this a regular section of the journal so please consider popping your ideas on how to improve the current scientific dissemination pipeline for our disciplines.


Surveying Opinions on Scholarly Publishing in EEB

If you want to envision change to the current system of publication, you need to know what people think about where we are, and where we want to go with the future of scholarly publication. So, as part of our working group, today we are launching a survey of attitudes about scholarly publishing and communication by Ecologists, Evolutionary Biologists, and Earth & Environmental Scientists.

Our goal is to establish a baseline of your opinions on the current state of scholarly communication for our fields so as to highlight potential gaps and improvements.

Please, head on over and take the survey. We want your input. We’ll be using it both to write up a paper, and inform a few future projects from the group.


Agenda for Meeting 2

1) Overview of goals (review)
2) Review of progress (everyone be ready to give a 5 minute status update)
3) Mark Talk about ESA meeting
– How can we take advantage of Collins being president
4) Chris talk about the IEE Special Issue
5) Discuss the survey questions and nail it down. Then Chris hits send.


The Eco-Preprint-Commentary Project
– Ed presents what has been done (morning)
– Open discussion on the project

Afternoon, small groups
-designing a post-use survey for the preprint server
– devs continue work based on morning discussion

– plenary bringing survey and devs together, make sure goals are aligned

Afternoon small groups
– devs continue work based on morning discussion
– Strategize roll-out of project and assign roles

– final presentation by developers
– Strategize roll-out and Science Online presentation
– Discuss future administration of project
– Discuss funding of future OpenPub efforts

ESA Now Accepts Preprints from ariXiv and the like

Great news! ESA has changed their journal policy to now accept submissions that are on arXiv or other preprint servers. The news was tweeted by Scott Collins, ESA President.

This represents a great move – both for the responsiveness of ESA and as a signal that it’s time to move forward with building a preprint culture in Ecology to make us a faster, more nimble field of discipline. See some fantastic comments along these lines from IPhilippe Desjardins-Proulx

Hello everybody!

Welcome to the Open Publishing in EEB (and other disciplines) blog. This blog will be a place for our working group to collect links to helpful readings, post our own thoughts and ponderings, and generally discuss what we want the future of publishing to look like in Science. We’ll begin with some introductory readings and

Chris and I will post here weekly or more frequently, so keep an eye out – either follow the RSS feed or have new entries emailed to you or do whatever it is you do to keep track of a blog. You are also welcome, nay, encouraged to post here as often as possible.

I’ll start with some introductory readings to get everyone on the same intellectual wavelength, and then next week we’ll begin the discussion in earnest with introductions, etc.

One thing to think about and discuss here. Right now this blog is private and only viewable to the working group members. As we go forward, though, we’d like to begin to open it up. Particularly as we begin posting things in here during the week of the working group, we thought it might be an excellent idea to open this blog up to the broader public for commentary, as the open science community is large and has some great opinions.

So, to discuss a) what do you think about opening the blog later and b) would you be interested in opening it now?

Also, for those new to wordpress, here’s a set of tutorials about how to use it.