Give us your thoughts on Scholarly Publishing in EEB!

In order to help the OpenPub project move forward, we would like to try and crowdfund some of its development. After all, we want our preprint server with discussion experiment to be part of the community! We’ll be whipping up a proposal with all sorts of cool rewards that help you be part of the process of changing the face of scholarly communication.

But first, we need your help. You see, we want *YOU* to be part of our crowdfunding proposal.

How? Simple.

Record yourself answering these two questions:

0) Who are you? What’s your name, position, and institution?

1) When you submit a paper today, how do you feel about the review & publication process?

2) So, I’m part of a group making a preprint server for Ecology, evolution, and the earth and ocean sciences. It’s not just for preprints, but actually will include tools to review and comment on other people’s work in an interactive dialogue. Do you think this would be useful? Why?

And then feel free to say anything else you’d like about the future of scholarly publication.

Once you’ve recorded this to a file, email us with either the video file or a link to the video file.

We’ll post the best responses here, and edit relevant pieces together into our crowdfunding video to show the whole community the need for what we’re doing!