The Pillars of “There”

If we are to go from here to there in scholarly publication, what is there? This was the question of the afternoon, and we ended up agreeing on four broad pillars. The details of some of these pillars is up for debate, but, there was general consensus on the Four Pillars of There, as it were.

1) More types of products than a narrative paper
2) Preprints must become part of our culture
    – We talked a lot about fraud/plagarism/quack detection. It could be handled by people, or by crowsourcing quick abuse reporting.
3) Public review
    – What this means was unclear. Anonymity, meta-review, etc. are all up for grabs. Experiments needed.
4) Public reputation for activity
    – A reputation economy of some sort with a number of different associated metrics for reviewing, meta-reviewing, authoring, etc.

Where are we now?

Before asking where we want to go from here, we asked ourselves, what is ‘here’ and how does the current publishing paradigm impact our scholarly activities. We agreed the current hallmarks of here are a closed peer review system; access to publication at a high price for an institution, individual reader, or an author; a privileged place for narrative accounts of science, often to the exclusion of other forms of scholarly production; and a lack of interactivity with scholarly products.

Many of these are changing – often in small ways. This is good, but it it enough?

How does this current system treat us as scientists and the different hats we wear?

The Five Hats we Wear and How the Current Publishing Paradigm Affects them:
1) Reader – readers are fine…if you’re reading papers at an R1. Although even then, there are cracks in the foundation. If they’re not at an R1, there may be severe problems in accessing materials you want to read.
2) Author – the current system works OK for authors, although it may waste time in the resubmission process.
3) Data producer – currently, there is no recognition for data and code production, although this is changing with data and methods journals – although they require an additional companion paper quite often.
4) Practitioner – As a practitioner, you want to interact with your peers and discuss the results from scholarly articles. There are currently no ways to do that without going outside of an article and writing on a blog or somesuch. This interaction is then decoupled from the original journal article.
5) Payer – As someone who pays for access, you lose. You are subject to the whim of the publication industry. The cost is always high.

Different types of research objects

In discussing the different types of research objects that may be considered, Bechhofer came up as someone to look into.

Bechhofer, Sean, De Roure, David, Gamble, Matthew, Goble, Carole and Buchan, Iain (2010) Research Objects: Towards Exchange and Reuse of Digital Knowledge. In, The Future of the Web for Collaborative Science (FWCS 2010), Raleigh, NC, USA, (Submitted) [link]

How much is being published

Björk, Bo-Christer; Roos, Annikki; Lauri, Mari. Scientific Journal Publishing – Yearly Volume and Open Access Availability. Information Research, 2009, Vol. 14, Iss. 1, pp. 391

Results. We estimate that in 2006 the total number of articles published was approximately 1,350,000. Of this number 4.6% became immediately openly available and an additional 3.5% after an embargo period of, typically, one year. Furthermore, usable copies of 11.3% could be found in subject-specific or institutional repositories or on the home pages of the authors.”

Also, Björk’s google scholar page.

Introduction: Jarrett Byrnes

Hello everybody! Two weeks until the start of open publication working group. To accelerate the actual work of the group, and to help fold in those members who are not going to be able to be here for meeting one, I’d like us to take the next week to post a short introduction to ourselves.

Briefly, if you could give a little background of who you are, what your interests are in Open Access, and what you hope to accomplish in this group. Also, post a picture so we know who each other are before we start. I’ll start.

So, I’m Jarrett Byrnes. I’m currently a postdoctoral fellow at the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, although I’ll be starting faculty at UMass Boston this fall.

While I’m an Ecologist by trade, I’ve long been interested in how the internet and technology can help us accelerate the pace of the scientific conversation and collaboration. I’ve been blogging about my research and since about 2003 and use Twitter actively primarily as a means to communicate with my peers. Last year, I co-founded the #SciFund Challenge, an experiment in science crowdfunding to spur outreach and engagement by scientists with the broader world around them.

I’m interested in Open Access because, frankly, it just makes sense as the next evolutionary step for scientific discourse. All of this closed manuscripts, closed data, papers hidden behind paywalls – it simply makes no logical sense to me if our goal is to have science be as fast and furious as possible. Science does not benefit from restrictions in access to the fruits of ones’ colleagues’ labor. We have the technology to change this. And I think it is high time we do so.

So what do I want to get out of this group? Frankly, I’m hoping that we can come together in the room, consider the major issues of how work goes from being raw data to being birthed as a piece of the scientific discourse, and figure out just how that should happen given the technology and social milieu that is available to us. I’ve mused on this before. Frankly, I’d like to walk away at the end of the week with a blueprint in hand, and plans on the table as to how to create this next generation of Open scholarly publishing. I realize this is ambitious, but, I think we can do it.