Accelerating the pace of discovery by changing the peer review algorithm
Category Archives: Links to Outside Reading
Failure & Analysis of Prevous Preprint Servers
From 2007: Preprint servers: the CPS failed, how will Nature Precedings do?
Core Elements of Experiment We Want to Create Now
Core piece of an initial system we’re going to try as an experiment followed by a survey
- EEB is our audience
- “Products” (works in progress) with commentary
- System is expandable to multiple product types
- Commentary and products are associated with users
- Users provide ratings for products and each others’ comments
- Revision & versioning part of the system
- Meta-data for papers to enable discovery
- Information is able to be exported to a new platform
- We should have a closed beta first
The Needs we feel this addresses with this
- works in progress/preprints
- replicated/null/results/short notes/errata
- interactive commentary
- experiment with peer review
Some thoughts on reputation systems in earth science
This is a work in progress over at the ESIP Federation
Something very apposite to the discussion of reputation/credit and building a personal brand
This builds on a range of posts and commentary that have happened recently but is getting a lot of activity on twitter at the moment. Some of that interest is obviously circular, people who are on social media like the idea that social media is helping them.
Stanford/highwire symposium on future of scholarly comm
Sounds like in March they covered many of the same issues. See report at: