What are the main tools and computational frameworks used in the Ecological sciences. I have an interest in building “executable papers” and have been looking at iPython Notebook as a toolset that might enable us to do this quickly. Is Python widely used? Are workflow tools useful in this space?
Link economies and reputation economies
I made the point that Jarret’s diagram as it stands at the moment doesn’t include linking, aggregation and the way that is important in supporting discovery as Edward said. Another way of viewing this is through the lens of a “link economy”, by analogy with Page Rank algorithms and this links through to how reputation economies are mediated. Is reputation simply appearing at the top of the relevant list of search results? Is it more granular. The two interact quite closely but I don’t have any simple ways of teasing them apart.
Post publication peer review and new forms of recognition
A couple of my recent reflections about post-publication peer review and recognition. Love to get some feedback.